Monday, January 9, 2012

10 good reasons NOT to smoke cigars at En Fuego.

By Mark

10 good reasons NOT to smoke cigars at En Fuego.

You’ll only be supporting 3rd world countries.
Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican are all countries who, we as Americans, have the perception of being ran by guerrilla militia, kidnapping professional baseball players for ransoms & having undrinkable water. But man, they sure do make some good cigars.

You might out live your spouse.
Recent studies have shown that on average, pipe smokers live longer than those that don’t. Why?  Most life threatening diseases, regardless of nature, in some shape or form stem from stress.

You may be accused of being a philanthropist.
Last fall, 150 of our most generous costumers dusted off their golf clubs & raised almost $30,000 for a local non-profit autistic charity. This October will be the 5th year of this charitable endeavor.

It will change your assumptions of cigar smokers.
Not all of them are cowboys, playboy tycoons or mafia types. They are just normal people like you & me. School teachers, mechanics, waiters, judges, cops, city workers, preachers, part timers, full timers, old, young, lower, middle, upper class & everything in between.

You may acquire a nickname.
Doogie, Dougie, the counselor, the professor, the musketeer, the chairman, Marky Mark, Pretty Ricky, Colorado Dave, Junior, Senior, Beagle, Fat Guy, Seahawk, Blue Tuna, Harvard & Bogey, just to name a few. If you have nightmares of your 5th grade bully calling you nicknames, this place might give you flashbacks.

You’ll see where your Doctor spends his money.
I was somewhat taken aback when I saw the guy whom I paid dearly to tell me how to get well, turned around & spend that money on cigars. The irony of the cigar smoking physician never gets old. As George Burns once said, “If I’d stopped smoking cigars when my Dr. told me to, I wouldn’t have lived to see his funeral.”

You may strike a lifelong friendship with someone more interesting than you.
For me, anyway, this happens on a fairly regular basis.

Your idea that “women don’t smoke cigars” will be shattered.
And I’m not talking about the ones who have no teeth & face resembles a 1907 Ty Cobb baseball mitt. I’m talking about classy, beautiful women who have proclaimed that the 21st century woman is taking part in what once was a male dominated past time.

You’ll develop a non-addicting addiction.
Cigars themselves aren’t addicting as you absorb virtually no nicotine (unlike cigarettes), but you’ll find the journey is. Cigar smoking is an experience at worse, a lifestyle at best. The ambience, the friendships, the laid back, easy going attitude of fellow cigar enthusiast has an essence that will leave you wanting more.

It’s a good way to piss of the left winged congress.
The fight for our right to enjoy a fine cigar has always been & will always be a battle with big brother. The most productive way is writing to your congressperson or joining Cigar Rights of America. Also, they always love to hear how many cigars we’re sending overseas to our troops each month. The same troops they depend on to uphold our freedom, which includes the freedom to enjoy cigars.

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